
1-3 Jan Founding of the Republic of China and New Year's Day. 
26-28 Jan Chinese New Year.
28 Feb Peace Memorial Day.
5 Apr Tomb-Sweeping Day.
1 May Labour Day. 
28 May (5th day, 5th moon) Dragon Boat Festival.

3 Oct
(15th day, 8th moon) Mid-Autumn Moon Festival.

10 Oct
National Day.

**Lunar New Year in Taiwan:

The Lunar New Year is the most significant festival for ethnic Chinese around the world, wherever they come from. It is a very jubilant occasion mainly because it is the time when people take a break from work to get together with family and friends.

The biggest holidays celebrate the changing of the seasons, revealing China's ancient agrarian roots.


 -Taiwan lantern festival-A diplay of massive colorful lanterns in this central Taiwan city drew a crowd of more than million people to celebrate the Chinese latern festival.


 -Chinese society has always used a lunar calendar

- Earth God Day: 2nd day of the 2nd month on the chinese calendar is set aside to worship earth deities. People lay out special offerings to the gods in their local shrines, and Taoist temples hold more elaborate celebrations.

-Ghost Month: he seventh month of the lunar calendar, which usually falls around August, is a time when the gates of the underworld are swung open, and the spirits are set free to roam the earth. In every street and alley, people burn spirit money to make the wandering ghosts happy, and make special offerings to their own departed kin.

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